Hva er viktig å tenke på for å oppnå energieffektive og behagelige hjem med godt inneklima og lavt klimagassutslipp? Jeg fikk et spørsmål om tips til hvordan bygge en bærekraftig bolig. Dagens retningslinjer er primært rettet mot større og kommersielle bygg. Jeg har derfor skrevet en miniserie om ulike temaer for å bygge en bærekraftig… Fortsett å lese Hvordan bygge en bærekraftig bolig?
Forfatter: Tonje
Smarte bygg – bærekraftig?
Vi lever i en tidsalder hvor det utvikles og brukes stadig mer avansert teknologi. Samspillet mellom menneske og teknologi har fått mer fokus i forskning og debatt. Som eksempel, får vi stadig mer kunnskap om sosiale mediers innvirkning på vår helse, og konsekvenser som kan være avhengighet, redusert kreativitet og psykiske problemer. Teknologi for automatisering… Fortsett å lese Smarte bygg – bærekraftig?
Hva er fremtidens bygg?
Hva er fremtidens bygg? Et raskt google søk gir resultater for demontering av bygg, lavt energibruk, materialer med lave utslipp, og smarte bygg. «Arkitektur er et verktøy for å skape steder for mennesker» sier Jan Erik Rossow, «Og for fisker» legger Ingerid Helsing Almaas til, i Dogas arkitekturpodkast Lørn. Bygg handler i stor grad om… Fortsett å lese Hva er fremtidens bygg?
Article published!
We just published an article in Energy and Buildings about the design and performance predicitions of the demonstration projects in syn.ikia. You can read it here. In brief, the article discusses different design strategies of the four demonstration projects in Norway, Spain, Austria and the Netherlands, which needs to respond to their local climate. Future… Fortsett å lese Article published!
Gemini blog: Er det mulig med sirkulærøkonomi OG plusshus?
If you prefer Norwegian and is interested in PV panels, I recommend to read the Gemini blog post I recently wrote, which is based on this post in English. A tiny update since the Gemini post was published. The company Rec Solar Norway contacted me about the use of lead in PV panels, and said… Fortsett å lese Gemini blog: Er det mulig med sirkulærøkonomi OG plusshus?
TekNat and Gemini show interest in plus houses
I recently wrote a blogpost for TekNat and Gemini about plus energy buildings (based on this blogpost). It’s fun to be able to share my interest for plus energy buildings with others! Right now I am attending a course with Annex 83 for Positive Energy Districts, where we focus on modelling the energy performance of… Fortsett å lese TekNat and Gemini show interest in plus houses
Circular economy and plus energy buildings – Is it possible?
Positive energy buildings are typically thought of as new and energy-efficient buildings with innovative technologies. The latter often implies complex equipment and systems that are difficult to repair and recycle, and with a significantly shorter lifespan compared to the structural system. For example, PV systems are known to have a lifetime of roughly 25-30 years.… Fortsett å lese Circular economy and plus energy buildings – Is it possible?
What is a positive energy building?
In Norwegian, we usually call it a “plusshus”, and there are many different English names. For example; plus house, positive energy building, powerhouse, and so forth. There is no common European standard definition for positive energy buildings (PEB) yet. The Energy Performance of Building Directive’s (EPBD) has a definition for nearly zero-energy buildings (NZEB), which is… Fortsett å lese What is a positive energy building?
syn.ikia – what is it?
My research is a part of syn.ikia, which is a European research project funded by Horizon 2020. The overarching goal of syn.ikia is to develop sustainable plus energy neighbourhoods, with four demonstration projects across Europe in different climate zones. Each demo project responds to its local context of climate, policies and regulations. There is a… Fortsett å lese syn.ikia – what is it?
Focus area in PhD research
I thought it could be interesting to share a little more about my PhD research. First of all, I started in September 2021, so everyhting is very new and not fully developed. The work is about integrated energy design and performance evaluation of positive energy buildings in Norway, socalled «Plusshus» in Norwegian. I will focus… Fortsett å lese Focus area in PhD research